Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Award and Social Recognition Programs

Staff Award Programs

At Carnegie Mellon University, we understand that valued employees are engaged employees. That's why we actively support recognition programs throughout the workplace. By acknowledging strong individual and team performance, we cultivate a sense of accomplishment, morale, and overall satisfaction. This, in turn, leads to a more productive and dedicated workforce.

The Office of Human Resources provides guidance to help departments develop and implement staff award programs. In addition to the resources provided by the university, it is the responsibility of departmental leadership to determine if and how they wish to devote resources to such programs.

Social Recognition Programs

Social recognition programs acknowledge employees for their strong performance and contributions to the university. Employee recognition applauds an employee’s achievements and can be public or private, informal or formal. The intent behind recognition is to appreciate and recognize positive work behaviors, job-based competencies and strong job performance.

Getting Started

Does your department already have an award program in place? Would you like to implement an award program for your department or an informal way to recognize team members? Before moving forward, review CMU's guidance on award programs, recognition and retention:

Award Programs: Guidance for Departments [pdf]

Staff Retention and Recognition Guidance [pdf]

Once you have decided on the type of award or recognition program that makes the most sense for your team, review the resources below to see how to integrate and streamline with the CMU=You platform.

Award Program Implementation

The Office of Human Resources encourages departments to use CMU=You to capture nominations and manage their award programs. CMU=You also works with social recognition through customizable eCards that can be designed for your department. Your HR business partner will be the liaison between you and CMU=You to shepherd the launch of your desired program.

See the following for roles, expectations and timelines as you start the process:

Award Program Implementation Checklist [pdf]

Social Recognition Program Implementation

In addition to award programs, CMU=You can be used for social recognition in the form of eCards and the Pipe Up! social recognition wall. Although campus-wide PLAID+ eCards are available, you can also create designs for department-specific professional recognition.

Social Recognition Program Implementation Checklist [pdf]