Carnegie Mellon University

Andrew userID

Your Andrew userID (AndrewID) is the username for your Andrew Account. Your Andrew userID is automatically created by Computing Services using a 3-8 character combination of your first, sometimes middle, and last name or initials.

In cases where many people have similar names and initials, your Andrew userID may also include a number. Some examples of possible Andrew userIDs are:

Name  Andrew userID
Myron J. Kapoodle mkapoodl
Marcie J. Kapoodle mjkapood
Mark J. Kapoodle mkapood1

As a Carnegie Mellon affiliate, you are entitled to one Andrew userID.

Andrew Email Address

Your Andrew userID is used to create your official university Andrew email address as follows:
[Andrew userID]


Individuals with an active affiliation to the university as established by formal contract, employment, or enrollment. This includes all currently enrolled students and currently employed staff and faculty. Individuals that do not have (or no longer have) an active affiliation may be eligible for a visitor account


Refer to the guidance below if you have not received your Andrew userID. 

Faculty/Staff: Contact your hiring manager, your department's Human Resources Representative, or the HR Service Center at or 412-268-4600 to check your hiring status.

Undergraduate Students - After receiving your acceptance email, complete the necessary processes and wait a few days for your Andrew userID to be created. Please contact undergraduate admissions at or 412.268.2082 to verify that you have met all requirements.

Cross-Registered Students - Contact your institution's Registrar's Office to confirm your application was sent to the CMU Registrar's Office.

Graduate Students - Verify with your graduate program admissions team to ensure you are entered into the student system.

Pre-College Students - Contact the Pre-College Office at or 412-268-5914.

You Andrew userID is required for all Web Login services including email, network access (to campus wired and wireless networks), public computer labs and more.  Visit Andrew Account for more information.

You cannot create an Andrew account; it is automatically generated when you become affiliated with the university.